
Showing posts from December, 2021

NEOX card app, let's make a difference in crypto ecosystem.

  INTRODUCTION Currently the invent of crypto has change the face of the economy of various Industry around the world. Many business organizations, industries are embracing the opportunity to modernize the structures of their protocol to blend on the moving trend and continue to thrive on their business. However, despite it's achievements and improvement on human life and economy, investors in the marketplace are facing with challenges, difficult process trying to convert their holding digital assets to cash before transaction can be carried out. Unfortunately, this is because the only cryptocurrencies accepted to be use in conversion to local currencies within the community currently are Bitcoin and Ethereum tokens. So holders of altcoins in the industry has to go under three conversion process which also attracts additional transaction fee just to change their digital assets to local currencies before they pull it out of their wallet and make some transactions. This blog is to in